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英 옥스퍼드 男女 대학생 70명, '누드 사진' 공개…왜?

yellowday 2013. 9. 5. 19:45


입력 : 2013.09.05 17:29 | 수정 : 2013.09.05 17:50   조선닷컴

최근 영국의 명문대인 옥스퍼드대의 남녀 학생이 자신들의 누드 사진을 공개한 것으로 알려져 관심을 끌고 있다. 무슨 연유일까.
4일 영국 데일리메일에 따르면 럭비팀, 조정팀, 펜싱팀, 수영팀, 농구팀 등 옥스퍼드대의 운동팀 선수 70명은 최근 자신의 옷을 모두 벗은 채 자신의 종목에 열중하고 있는 모습을 카메라에 담았다. 이들은 야구 방망이와 헬멧, 노 등 다양한 운동 도구를 활용해 역동적인 모습을 연출한 것으로 알려졌다. (☞ 해당 기사 원문 보기)

이들이 누드 사진 촬영에 나선 이유는 다름 아닌 ‘자선기금모금을 위한 2014년 누드 캘린더(Charity Naked Calendar 2014)’ 제작을 위해서라고 한다. 캘린더의 가격은 한 부당 10파운드, 우리 돈으로 약 1만 7000원이다. 캘린더 내의 모든 누드 사진은 옥스퍼드대학 학생들이 자발적으로 나서 기획, 촬영한 것으로 알려졌다.
누드 사진 촬영에 참여한 펜싱팀의 그레이스 세갈은 “찍을 당시에는 모두들 안절부절 못했지만 짧은 시간 안에 무사히 촬영을 마쳤다”면서 “매우 의미있는 작업”이라는 소감을 밝혔다.
한편 누드 캘린더를 제작한 옥스퍼드대 자선단체의 대표는 “지난해 옥스퍼드 대학 학생들이 자발적으로 모은 자선기금이 10만 파운드(약 1억7000만원)에 달한다”면서 “이번 캘린더로 모은 돈은 길거리 아이들을 돕거나 아프리카 교육 발전 등에 기부할 예정”이라고 설명했다.   조닷


Whether rugby, cricket, rowing or even fencing, it seems there's a sport for everyone at Oxford University.

But even the completely unfit can enjoy the latest addition to the University's sporting scene - a nude calendar featuring brave students.

70 elite sportsmen and women have stripped off for the Blues Charity Naked Calendar 2014, their modesty kept intact only by strategically placed bats, balls, racquets, helmets and oars.

Is that what googly really means? Members of the cricket team stripped off for the charity calendar

Is that what googly really means? Members of the cricket team stripped off for the charity calendar


In the swim: The swimming team chose to be pictured diving naked into the University poo

In the swim: The swimming team chose to be pictured diving naked into the University pool


The calendar, which was photographed and produced by students, has already gone on sale and proceeds from the £10 cover price will be shared between two charities in the city including its food bank and two international education charities.



The A4 calendar which opens to A3 comes ready to hang and boasts a large date grid 'allowing plenty of space for writing all your engagements.'

The calendar states: 'The Full Monty - Each Participant in this calendar has represented the university in their sport while a full time Oxford Student and has given their time to help raise money for these excellent causes.'

The black and white shots were taken around the historic college buildings and on sports pitches at the university.

Streaking has a whole new meaning! The running team take to the track with trainers sparing their blushes

Streaking has a whole new meaning! The running team take to the track with trainers sparing their blushes


En garde! The fencing team appear to be as handy in front of the camera as they are with a foil

En garde! The fencing team appear to be as handy in front of the camera as they are with a foil


Scrum(my)! Oxford's female rugby fans will be looking forward to the new season after seeing this

Scrum(my)! Oxford's female rugby fans will be looking forward to the new season after seeing this


Teams that feature in the calendar include the hunky rugby boys, the hockey team facing off with their hockey sticks, fencers fighting in a stairwell and the the rowing team posed in their boathouse with a carefully placed bottle of champagne.

Also included is the cricket team who stand ready to catch a ball, the swimmers and the polo team with helmets covering each student’s modesty

Student Grace Segall, a member of the fencing team who appears in the February photograph, said: 'It was a little bit nerve-wracking, we all had butterflies. But we were only exposed for a short time. It was tasteful.'

The 19-year-old, who is about to start her second year studying biochemistry at University College added: 'I think it is really good and I am really impressed with some of the motion pictures, such as diving. There is a good mix of sports in the calendar.'

Stick and balls: There won't be any back shots from Oxford's polo players this time around

Stick and balls: There won't be any back shots from Oxford's polo players this time around


Goal! Oxford University's lacrosse team ought to score a few extra fans with this photo

Goal! Oxford University's lacrosse team ought to score a few extra fans with this photo


Stroke! Luckily for the Oxford rowing team, a bottle of champagne was on hand to spare their cox' blushes

Stroke! Luckily for the Oxford rowing team, a bottle of champagne was on hand to spare their cox' blushes


Rebecca Bibb, a third year materials science undergraduate and tennis Blue, said: 'I did the calendar because it is an entertaining and unusual way of raising money for charity.

'The calendar features four men's, four women's and four mixed photos, taken by photographer and Oxford student Toby Mather.'

Louis Geary, Oxford University’s RAG events vice-president, said: 'Naked calendars aren’t themselves a new funraising idea but they tend to appeal to just a small target market.'

The RAG is the charity arm of the students union and last year raised around £100,000 for good causes.

Cash raised this year will be split between charities that students have voted to support and which include The Oxford Food Bank, Education Partnerships Africa, Students Supporting Street Kids, and the Oxford arm of Giving What We Can.

Keep your eyes on the ball! Missing could have been painful for these members of the squash team

Keep your eyes on the ball! Missing could have been painful for these members of the squash team


Back of the net! The girls from the netball team show how useful strategic double marking can be

Back of the net! The girls from the netball team show how useful strategic double marking can be


Chilly! September shows swimmers and runners

Chilly! September shows swimmers and runners


We're smitten! Love, 40 to these tennis players

We're smitten! Love, 40 to these tennis players


Super form: Oxford's best athletes line up in the nude for the charity calendar

Super form: Oxford's best athletes line up in the nude for the charity calendar

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2411631/Oxford-Blues-Charity-Naked-Calendar-2014-sees-70-university-athletes-strip-off.html#ixzz2e0wNVOhQ
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